Specialisation Verification Framework
Customer Advisory Committees
Free Keys To Diversity Course
ACQSC Training Modules
February, 2023
Home care reports on SIRS
October, 2022
Serious Incident Response Scheme (SIRS) will extend to home care in December 2022. This video will lead you to the heart of SIRS reporting. Understand what to report and when to report and be prepared!
More Information: https://www.agedcarequality.gov.au/sirs
Specialisation Verification
Criteria Overview
Providers who want to be verified as CALD service providers must meet 4 Tier Two criteria. From this video, you will learn what the criteria are and what they mean in practice.
Useful links: Aged care provider guidance manual
PICAC provider contact in your state (All states)
Dementia Awareness
Dementia Action Week
19th-25th September, 2022
Dementia affects nearly half a MILLION Australians, and the number is expected to increase.
A simple and small action may make a significant difference to someone living with dementia. If you are a care provider who wants to provide better care for your dementia clients, you will find a lot of good tips in this video.
Dementia care for CALD communities
August, 2022
It’s not easy to live with dementia, especially for CALD elders. Care providers, support workers or their friends may leave them isolated because they are lacking awareness of dementia.
Watch this video to learn what you could do to make a change.
Aged Care Reform: Governance
July, 2022
How do government policies affect your governance? Find out the most sustainable governing strategies for your organisation!
Aged Care Reform: Workforce
July, 2022
The new Labor government has plans to address workforce gaps and add security, dignity, quality and humanity to the new aged care Act, which will release in the future. Let’s look at the current changes and interpret how they affect your workforce.
Aged Care Reform: Home care
January, 2022
This video will focus on the first pillar-home care, while also explaining the new “support at home” program.
Debunking Covid-19 Vaccine Myths
October, 2021
There is a lot of misinformation, being spread about the vaccine. We are here to tell you the truth and answer any questions you may have.
Mental Health Support for Community Groups
Seeking out mental health services and support can be difficult for individuals in the CALD community, LGBTQI+ community and those living with a disability. We have provided a list of services in WA specifically for these groups, along with tips for support.
Self Care, Following the Impact of the Pandemic, this Christmas
Christmas can be a difficult time for those who are grieving as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic.
The Australian Centre for Grief and Bereavement have provided some tips for taking care of yourself, this holiday season. This video discusses these and provides various resources for support.
A free online course about Prudential Compliance has been developed by the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission.
We’ve highlighted something you may need to pay attention to as a provider! Let’s this short video and reach out to us at any time if you have any questions or need any assistance!