What is PICAC?
PICAC stands for Partners in Culturally Appropriate Care. It’s an initiative of the Department of Health designed to make sure aged care service providers can deliver care to meet the needs of culturally and linguistically diverse people.
The Australian Government has nominated one organisation in every state and territory to deliver the PICAC program. Fortis Consulting is the PICAC organisation for Western Australia.
What can PICAC do for my business?
Fortis offers a range of training options designed to meet the needs of organisations in the aged care industry, with a strong focus on supporting CALD staff, residents and communities. We work in collaboration with peak industry groups to co-deliver training and organisational support in culturally appropriate aged care.
PICAC Training Programs
Building a Culturally Inclusive Workplace
This program focuses on what we can do to contribute positively to diverse workplaces. Regardless of ethnicity, every single person contributes to culture and diversity in the workplace as we are all cultural beings.
Introduction to Culture, Communication and Relationships at Work
This is an introductory workshop that explores issues relating to culture, communication and relationships in the workforce. It builds skills to appreciate differences and deliver with culturally safe practices.
Palliative Care with a CALD Focus
This program focuses on palliative care in a cultural context - which requires respect and support for diverse values, beliefs and worldviews. The workshop explores how being able to communicate with individuals, their families and their carers is essential to quality of care when meeting specific cultural needs.
Dementia with a CALD Focus
Dementia is an overall term for a set of symptoms that are caused by disorders affecting the brain. This can have a significant impact for someone who is living with dementia and also from a CALD background, such as reverting to primary language and cultural norms. This program equips organisations with the tools to offer dementia care with a CALD focus.
Brain Health "The Smartest Tool In Your Head"
Keeping your brain healthy is essential for living a fulfilling, healthy and long life. Fortis delivers an interactive information session which looks at the impact of dementia for people from CALD backgrounds. This interactive discussion gives participants an opportunity to briefly look strategies for helping people from culturally diverse backgrounds to improve their health and the benefits to keeping their brain healthy.
Interested in our training programs?
Reach out to us to find out more about these services